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Tips for Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents in the City of Fresno

Tips for Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents in the City of Fresno

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Pedestrian safety is a serious matter. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), there were 188 pedestrians injured or killed in crashes in Fresno County in 2020 alone. Unfortunately, when crashes happen, pedestrians can suffer terrible harm. A negligent motorist must be held accountable for causing a pedestrian crash.
At the same time, pedestrians should look out for their own health and well-being. At Nunes Law, Inc., we are strong, experienced advocates for pedestrian safety. Our team is here to take the wheel and steer you to justice. Within this article, our Fresno pedestrian accident lawyer highlights five safety tips that you can use to avoid collisions.

Pedestrian Safety Tip #1: Always Cross at Marked Crosswalks or Intersections

Most pedestrian crashes happen when the pedestrian is in the roadway. In other words, it happens while they are crossing the street. Given the inherent safety risk associated with crossing the street, it is imperative that people use crosswalks whenever they are available. If there is no marked crosswalk, you should cross at a marked intersection. Crosswalks are strategically chosen to enhance visibility and are often regulated by traffic signals or signs that manage the flow of both vehicle traffic and foot traffic. By using crosswalks and following the signals, a person significantly decreases their risk of being involved in a serious accident.

Pedestrian Safety Tip #2: Be Sure to Use Sidewalks When Available

Sidewalks are safety measures. The City of Fresno provides a large number of sidewalks that are specifically designed for pedestrian use. They offer a safer alternative to walking along roadways. When sidewalks are available, it is essential to use them to avoid the dangers posed by close proximity to moving vehicles. If there is a sidewalk on only one side of the street—which is relatively common in many neighborhoods in Fresno—you should try to safely cross the street and walk on the side with a sidewalk. Staying on the sidewalk frees you from the immediate risks of the road and puts a physical barrier between you and the oncoming traffic.

Pedestrian Safety Tip #3: Take Additional Care at Night or in Reduced Visibility

According to federal data, approximately two-thirds of pedestrian deaths happen during the day. One-third happens at night. Yet, highway safety researchers estimate that far less than 10% of total foot traffic (total pedestrian activity) happens at night. Put another way, pedestrians face a far higher risk of being hit by a car at night. They also face danger when visibility is otherwise reduced, such as during poor weather. All pedestrians should take extra care at night. In order to safeguard yourself, try to wear brightly colored or reflective clothing that makes you more visible to drivers from a distance if you need to walk at night. You may want to carry a flashlight to illuminate your path and signal your presence to others.

Pedestrian Safety Tip #4: Avoid Common Distractions (Especially When Crossing)

We all know that distracted driving is a serious safety hazard. A less appreciated safety hazard is distracted walking. While navigating the streets of Fresno, it is vital to remain alert and focused—especially when crossing intersections. Some of the biggest distractions—things like smartphones, headphones, and other electronic devices—can divert your attention from potential dangers, such as oncoming vehicles or changing traffic signals. By paying full attention to your surroundings, you can reduce your risk of being the victim of a pedestrian crash.

Pedestrian Safety Tip #5: Never Assume that a Driver Sees You (Even When They Should)

All motorists in California have a duty to exercise safe driving practices. That being said, pedestrians cannot and should not rely solely on drivers to live up to their obligations. The sad reality is that far too many people in Fresno and the surrounding area drive in an irresponsible manner. One of the foundational rules of pedestrian safety is never to assume that drivers see you—even when you have the right of way. You should always try to make eye contact with drivers when possible before crossing in front of them. It is a relatively simple act that can confirm that the driver is aware of your presence. Additionally, be prepared to stop or move quickly out of the way if it appears a driver has not noticed you, even if they should.

Set Up a Free Case Review With Our Fresno Pedestrian Crash Attorney Today

At Nunes Law, Inc., our Fresno pedestrian accident lawyers fight aggressively for justice and the maximum compensation for injured victims. If you or your family member was hurt in a pedestrian crash, we can help. Contact us now for a no-cost, no-strings-attached case review. With a legal office in Fresno, we fight for the rights of pedestrian crash victims throughout Central California. Call the experienced accident attorney at the Law Office of Frank Nunes at (559) 702-5124.

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