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March is Brain Injury Awareness Month Throughout the U.S

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month Throughout the U.S

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At Nunes Law, Inc, our personal injury lawyer in Fresno knows just how quickly our clients’ lives are changed after they have been hurt in a motor vehicle accidentpedestrian or bicycle collision, or a slip and fall incident in California.

Our experienced personal injury lawyer also knows that each of these circumstances can lead to brain injuries that require costly long-term or even life-long medical care, extended time away from work if the injury victim can return at all and out-of-pocket expenses that can devastate any family.

For over three decades, the Brain Injury Association of America, or BIAA, has raised awareness about head trauma each March during Brain Injury Awareness Month to help remove the stigma and provide education to the public — and for important reasons.

Someone sustains a brain injury every nine seconds in the U.S., according to the BIAA.

In support of Brain Injury Awareness Month, to follow is important information on both traumatic and acquired brain injuries.


Traumatic Brain Injuries, or TBIs, are caused by a sudden force that jolts or physically encounters the victim’s head.

The Centers for Disease Control reported that TBIs account for nearly three million emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and fatalities each year throughout the U.S.

  • Nearly 50% of all TBIs are caused by falls.
  • Approximately 20% of all TBIs are caused by being struck against or by an object.
  • Almost 15% of all TBIs occur during traffic collisions.
  • The balance of traumatic brain injuries across the nation is caused by assaults, sports, or another blow to the head.

Currently, approximately 5.5 million people — or one in sixty people — live with a TBI-related disability in the U.S.


Acquired Brain Injuries, or ABIs, are caused by developing circumstances that affect more than 3.5 million Americans each year.

The source of ABIs often include:

  • Electric Shock
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Lightning Strikes
  • Near Drownings
  • Oxygen Deprivation
  • Seizures
  • Strokes
  • Substance Abuse or Overdose
  • Toxic Exposure
  • Tumors

No matter how a brain injury occurs, it can affect the physical, behavioral, cognitive, and abilities of those who suffer from a TBI or ABI, posing significant challenges to their day-to-day activities and overall quality of life.

Brain Injury Awareness Month was designated to shine a light on these difficulties, so sufferers can get more than just the medical care they need, but the support and understanding they deserve within their communities.

To learn more about how you can help advance brain injury awareness, research, and services, visit the BIAA website today.


If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury in a vehicle collision or another accident caused by negligence, contact our experienced personal injury attorneys in Fresno at Nunes Law, Inc
today by calling (559) 702-5124 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options to hold the liable party accountable for your complete financial recovery.

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